Saturday, September 18, 2010

Special Surprise #1

Hello, my readers. Notice something.... Different? Well there is, my old reviews have run away and left a new theme in their place. I got rid of the old reviews because I didn't like how I wrote them at all. A good review can state their opinion by writing about the book, or at least, I think so. Will reviews of those books come back? YES! The minute I have free time I'll review the books I reviewed and write new, shinny reviews.
The first one I'm planning to re-do is Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld, because Behemoth, the second instalment, is coming out in October.
So, anyway, here's a interview with none-other than Kimberly Pauley, author of Sucks to be me and Still Sucks to be me.

1.How old were you when you first decided you wanted to be a writer and why did you decide to become one?
I don’t know that I ever consciously decided to be one. I just always wanted to be one. I wrote all the time when I was younger. And I read voraciously. At least a book a day, all through middle school and high school. Sometimes more than one a day (I’m a fast reader).

But when I was older and working corporate jobs, they made me so unhappy and were completely NOT fulfilling and my thoughts again turned to writing.

2.Have you ever wanted to be something else, and if so, what? Well, lots of things. Artist. Teacher. Librarian. Equestrian (that’s when I was about 8). Actress. Television Producer. Screenwriter.

3.Have you ever felt becoming an author was the wrong choice?

Oh, no. Best gig in the world. For me, anyway!

4.When you sent your manuscript for "Sucks to be me" out, were you scared that they wouldn't like it, or that they would?

Well, definitely afraid they wouldn’t like it. And not everyone did, of course (or does, for that matter). A lot of people are vampire traditionalists and didn’t “get” a funny vampire story.

5. What was the first thing you did after you found out your book was being published? (if you remember!)

Probably hugged my husband. J It was a very crazy week all the way around – it’s also the same week I found out I was pregnant!

6.Is there one thing you could change about "Sucks to be me" and why would you change it?

Oh, geez. Probably a lot of things. There are some things I should have wrapped up a little better in the book (though I’m really glad I got to do a second book, so I’d have that chance). And I probably should have increased the stakes for Mina some more (and no, that’s not actually a vampire joke…lol). There are always things you want to change.

7.Who is your favorite character in "Sucks to be me", excluding Mina and why?

I’m torn between George and Uncle Mortie. I really like both of them for their sense of humor.

8.Who is your least favorite character in "Sucks to be me" and why?

Probably Aubrey.

(Possible Spoiler next, don’t read if you haven’t read the book!!)

He was originally going to be more of a serious love interest for Mina, but the more I wrote about him, the more he turned out the way that he was. Some characters really do take on a life of their own.

9.What do you believe is the most important thing writers need to keep in mind while writing?

The reader.

10.The most important thing to remember when sending a manuscript to a publisher?

Follow directions & always be professional!


Kimberly Pauley

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